Tuesday, November 4, 2014

It continunes...oy

Found out from friends today that the rants haven't stopped. Oy.


  1. Thanks for sharing this link so I now know how to deal with you ROB! http://www.wikihow.com/Pick-Up-on-Manipulative-Behavior

  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_use There is a difference between fair use and flat out using original artwork from the artist to make profit for yourself, which is a violation if no contract was signed. (verbal contracts do not count in court.) Seriously. Do you even check before you post these links Rob?

  3. "anyways later bitches" IS SARCASM Rob. I'm not insulting or begging people to commission me. If they wish to spend $100.00 for my art THAT'S THEIR BUSINESS!!! My math of hours it takes to complete a full color pic plus minimum wage in my area is the result of the price. (honestly It should be more) It's up to customers if they agree to those terms and they do. Which is not consistent (a.k.a dry spells in market ect.) Thus why I have a REAL job. Amazing how you would take the little sarcasm I make and blow it WAYYYYY out of proportion. Seriously. Back off.
