Saturday, November 28, 2015

Old Colors: Rejects collection

Went on a cute attempt for a bit years ago...

Created a different name for the style. ^^;

Last pic with Cotton was holding french toast while snowing outside
as an attempt to sprinkle "powdered sugar" on her breakfast.....

Friday, November 27, 2015

Old Colors: Honey Buns

Went on a cute attempt for a bit years ago...
Created a different name for the style. ^^;

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Old Colors: 3 Wings

Went on a cute attempt for a bit years ago...
Created a different name for the style. ^^;

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Old Colors: Maple Harvest

Went on a cute attempt for a bit years ago...
Created a different name for the style. ^^;

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Old Colors: Got fire?

Went on a cute attempt for a bit years ago...
Created a different name for the style. ^^;

Monday, November 23, 2015

Old Colors: Rain Rain peek-a-boo

Went on a cute attempt for a bit years ago...
Created a different name for the style. ^^;

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Old Colors: Boots and Socks

Old art that never got finished.
Actually got comic plans with these two. ^^

Friday, November 20, 2015

Old Colors: Spa bird watching

Went on a cute attempt for a bit years ago...
Created a different name for the style. ^^;

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Old Colors: Cotton Candy Bath

Went on a cute attempt for a bit years ago...
Created a different name for the style. ^^;

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Old Colors: Lunetta

Went on a cute attempt for a bit years ago...
Created a different name for the style. ^^;

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Old Colors: May

Went on a cute attempt for a bit years ago...
Created a different name for the style. ^^;

May with hair colors in reverse. ^^;

Monday, November 16, 2015

Old colors: Vexy

Went on a cute attempt for a bit years ago...
Created a different name for the style. ^^;

Sunday, November 15, 2015

M.L. Different H.S.

Some old L.I.F. reject strips better posted here under memory lane. X3

This one became a reject due to response
 of folks not really getting it. :/ 
(guess I drew it wrong?)

Story time: I went back and forth btwn high schools in C.A.
and N.M. The assemblies held were vastly different. 
N.M. were usually boring compared to C.A. ones
where it felt like being in times square on new years day. 
Anyways one time at a N.M. assembly they were handing out goody bags.
I went back to my seat on the bleaches and open to find shampoo samples, 
deodorant and tampons. Thank goodness I was sitting near the top
because the next second it was raining free samples, thus the comparison
in the comic. ^^; Good times. XP

Saturday, November 14, 2015

M.L. Riding with lil old lady driving...

                        An old L.I.F. reject better posted here under memory lane. :3

Why I never called shot gun. ^^;
My adoptive mom was so short (officially midget size)
Her view was through the steering wheel...

Friday, November 13, 2015

M.L. Hair

Some old L.I.F. reject strips better posted here under memory lane. :3

My adoptive mom had made that saying for years, and when my bro
actually turned 18, his hair was bright pink. X3

Thursday, November 12, 2015

M.L. Crib Crash

Some old L.I.F. rejects better posted here under memory lane. :3
For some reason bro and i were in the same crib. I was reaching
for a paper mobile when the crib gave way.
I also recall my bro playing with a plastic tool.
Coincidence? I think so! :p

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

M.L. Nap Time

Some L.I.F. rejects better posted here under memory lane. :3

Bro and I being a pain when little. 
We did the same at the beach, running in opposite directions
with only one guardian for the day. ^^;  

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Tablet trash

And for a while i thought i would have two stylists i can use. V.V

Monday, November 2, 2015

Tree's time

Fun to think about how time go's slower for trees.
Spring is morning. Summer is afternoon. 
Fall is evening and Winter is night time.
Like spring and fall, sunrise and sunsets go quickly.
Anyways fun thoughts.